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Highlights of simple things observed that were taken for granted pre stroke

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Laugh for today

I never wear a suit and tie to volunteer, so when I walked in the front door a fellow volunteer was working g the desk. She said you look nice. I said the new company utaking us over iver Tuesday 9/1 /15. Didn't you get the memo about the new dress code? Then I told her I have a wedding this afternoon. Then I went to the rehab floor I was greeted by one of the nurses she saud wow youwow you look great. I said I know you're not accustomed to i clothes, she just laughed   Of course if the



What is your profession?

Another busy day I have my volunteer work today and then a wedding this afternoon so rather than carry my suit around with me all day I just simply put it on this morning and I'm wearing it doing what I normally do. On the bus this morning I was chatting with a young man and he finally said to me can I ask you what your profession is? I must admit I was briefly speechless hard to believe I know but I was stumped with that question I started with the standard response of I had an aneurysm and s



Road crossing rage

You no doubt have heard of and maybe experienced road rage. I experienced road crossing rage just a few minutes ago. I waited for the sign to show it was safe to cross the road, as I'm sure you have experienced, I walk a little slow post stroke not wanting to rush and lose my balance. Well this car began to turn left from the cross street promptly stopped because I was half way across the street, then she gunned the gas to cut in front of me and gave me a dirty look because I was moving so sl



Yesterday got even better

I saw a woman who worked for me 30 years ago, another one of favorite employees who worked for me when I had the strike, she even visited me in the hospital, another friend ian gave me a big hug, he said I didn't know you were sick, I only knew I hadn't seen you around, you look great. The the past president of the board of the nonprofit I worked for and was fired from she introduced me to get guvvt and said " hay has been to hell and back and look how good he looks" wow what a day I hugged mor



Can this day get any better?

Stopped at my favorite watering hole formy one adult beverage before the free concert. I encountered an old friend olau a yli g friend he the age of my oldest daughter we met doing community theater. Great guy. For the past several years he has worked as an pt aide for an orthopedic orga ization He finished his degree. And. Is. Nown. licensed and is working incorpus Christi as a pta I. A. Euro rehab with stroke survivors I gave him the website to access and give to his patients. He said I'v



Really busy day

I love keeping busy to pass the time but today may be pushing it a little: Went for coffee Started phonecalls again, did talk to a human in the medical records dept to get a copy of my neurons he exam report, had to sign a release for my own records?? Had to be at hospital at 11am; recently bought by a larger hospital group, nsale final 9/1new name, and marketing material, a month ago they asked for volunteers to play mock patients for stock photos, of course I said yes it's all about me isn'



Laugh for today

I use one specific bus to go to the hospital to do my volunteer work, a store for the morning paper, and every so often, just 4blocks from the main transfer ointment to my coffee house. We'll today my foot was causing some discomfort so I choose to ride the bus. The drivers usually announce their destination and cross streets so people can remain aware of there location as we travel. We'll this morning my buddy was driving that bus, as we crossed a bridge we approached the cross road where I



Another amazing day

While taking advantage of the late summer cool down leading into fall, I sat outside the coffee house in a rocking chair drinking my morning coffee. A nip a fall in the air. Dark storm clouds loom large threatening to open a torrent of rain, while I wait for the bus. It held off but what a beautiful sight. This morning a new crow has found me downtown and stopped to say hello, at least I think that's what he said. His tone was plea nt. tas he looked at me and chatted. What a glorious day



Anther victory

Aftermultiple phone calls and hanging on hold for 30 minutes, then attempting to access records on line ( failed at that one my activation code has expired) My intent was to determine the status of my neuropsych exam report. The office couldn't tell if my signed releases were honored or not. They said they would send one to my primary physician since he made the referral. I called to see if they had the report or not.no answer, they are always busy, I left a voice mail. I was traveling pas



Minor victory

I've been told my judgement is Quite impaired since the stroke, lately I've shown restraint when there have been situations when a smart Alec co.ment was begging to be blurted out. Last week while visiting friends bugs were buying and the wife of a friend was walking around spraying bug spray on legs when she approached me and said" do you want me to do you?". I bite my lip and said no thanks. Restraint! Today at the hospital one of the nurses came into the day room and said hi, took car



Another glorious day to be alive

While having coffee at my favorite coffee house, a young woman whom I hired as a supervisor when I was still working came in to get six coffees for her coworker they are having a meeting next door, looking forward to seeing them when they take a break, they all worked under my supervision when I was able to work. Also ran into ( poor choice of words) I saw a friend that I haven't seen in months, he too is a stroke survivor, he took a cruse a few months ago and it has taken him a few months to



Rainbow delight

Last evening a rainbow was trapped between two storms, as thesun was bidding a fonf farwell to yet another day، over the surface of southern lake Huron. The storm clouds over Canada remind me of mountains in the distance. I may have lost my peripheral vision but I can still see straight ahead and what a blessing that is I think God everyday that I'm alive I can walk and I can see the other inconveniences are simply that. Minorin the larger view. Peace, love, joy and prayers, Jay



No more funk

I decided o needed to rely on myself as I have for much of my recovery I refuse to let the blue bug beat me. My mother in law and two of her cousins came by for a visit . what a blessing and the weather was nice. The cousins couldn't believe how good I'm doing do I couldn't disappoint them by showing a slight bit of depression   Peace love joy and prayers, Jay



In a funk today

I sometimes have struggles on Sunday not sure why just time to sit around and think.   Any "moon Syruck" fans out there? I need Chet to slap me and tell me to ' snsp out of it" lol Any takers out there? Any time I struggle o know you people help me   Peace, love, joy and prayers, Jsy



Rudeness forguven

I had thought of not riding the bus with the driver that was rude to me , it can be done but causes a major inconveinence for me. So I'm taking the high road I have ridden his bus since the incident and I have been kind and courteous to that driver why hurt myself ,by not riding his bus won't hurt him any. Jay



What do we need?

Back to back to back songs "I get by with a little help from my friends" " love is all you need" "What a wonderful world" I'm so confused. Lol. Jay



Bus people an amazing lott

As I left the house knot only for got to take my meds but didn't have anything to write with, I found a broken pen in my bag and was able to use the inside of the pen. While on the bus j do word searches to pass the time. A young lady sitting behind me said here that pen doesn't lkom to goif and gave me a pen to use. I thought I was going to need to find a store just to waste precious money in a pen I always do a lot of writing throughout the day.   Then we were waiting for a transfer bus



Fatigue complicates memory issues

Last night I didn't take my pm meds I was watching the Base ball game and cell asleep. I didn't awaken until 7am. I missed my trazido e sleep aid and anti depressant. This morning o forgot to take my am meds Zoloft ( anti depressant) and thyroid teplacment therapy. I assume my blood surim lrvels for the anti depressants should be fine. I didn't follow my normal routine. I got to bed and take my meds but falling asleep on the couch that's not part of the routine. When I wake up I take my am



Another therapist in the family

My four year old grandson came over this evening, after giving me a hug and telling me he missed me he asked for help getting his shirt off. I said of course he asked so politely after a brief struggle using only my right hand ( my good side) he let out a heavy sigh and said you know grandpa it word a lot better with two hands. Now the struggles really began we managed to finally get the shirt off can't disappoint the grand kids. I think it's a conspiracy. Lol Peace love, joy and prayers, J



More writting from a bygone era

I came here today, one more time, to think of us The boat we loved is gone away, to where we do not know perhaps for to search for love just as we did long ago the picnic tables gone away, to an unknown destination. maybe next spring two strangers will sit share a laugh or dream and cry with the ghost of a love long lost yet they be there mother and babies are gone she must protect them from the cold in their world seagulls remain, however aloof Not to feed; detached to harden themselves




Yesterday I was listening to Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, I came across Judy blue eyes, one line really struck a chord with me, " don't let the past remind you of what you are NOT now" that really hit me as a theme for survivors, don't think about what we've lost, live in the moment and stay positive about the future.   On the news I saw Former President Jimmy Carter's press conference about his recent diagnosis of brain cancer he said, "hope for the best, but accept what come."   please



Something old I wrote years Ago, "Saying good bye

Fear not this day of parting for it is temporary it lasts but only a short time. and time is of this world lnow this That time will pass don't wish it all away bide your time and you will see rewards that are unreal the pain you feel will pass you by as time doth pass you too the day will come when you will be rejoined rejoice to know this simple fact as the sun dawns days anew one day closer you shall be to when you meet again. peace, love, joy and prayers, jay



song lyric offers inspiration/ clarification

while having coffee listening to Crosby Stills, Nash and Young the song "Judy blues was playing, one of the lines really struck a chord with me: "Don't let the past remind you of what you are not now". I thought that perfect for our recovery, As I've said don't dwell on all you've lost, don't let that consume you or define you.   peace. love, joy and prayers, jay



Bitter Sweet late summer rain storm

As I was awakened this morning by the clap of thunder and rain coming down in buckets, my thought was how blessed I am to witness yet another example of God's grandeur, I saw the lightning, I heard the thunder and the rain coming down and experienced the sweet smell as the storm passed. The bitter portion, ever so mild, occurred when I made my trek to the bus stop. My neighbor has a bench which I use daily, not today it was soaked by the rain. so I stood my feet and leg were causing me some



Polar opposites of humanity

I saw the best of humanity today. Our support group had a luncheon scheduled today dutch treat. I had to contact the coordinator to let her know I was unable to attend due to a lack of funds, she noway I'll buy your lunch we want you there. J graciously and humblely accepted. What a wonderful person again God has blessed me with connection to many amazing people On the flip side of the humanity coin, a bus driver I encountered on my way to the luncheon was rude and disrespectful. The ugly si

