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My grandma s fight

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Day 346 07.07.2015 Grandma has passed away peacefully

Hello all,   I don't want to say unfortunately as I know she's in peace now but grandma Adile has passed away in my mother's arms yesterday about noon time, 7th of July 2015, 346 days after her stroke on 2 August 2014. Her organs failed and that's our guess, her WBC count was 15000, about 2.5 times her normal, 6000, no fever, nothing, normal heart rate but her respiration was broken, like a dog who ran hell fast, dunno what that's called in english, that kind of broken breathing.   She coul



Day 315 06.02.2015 Grandma has an infection in her lungs

Hello all,   It's been a long while again. Grandma has turned 85 years on march 31st. It's going to be 1 year since she had her stroke on august 2nd.   I'm not sure if she can make it that long , but there's always hope, hope and love brought us to this day for the last 315 days.   She's very ill for the last 2-3 weeks, she had her lungs infected somehow (I believe she had this for the last 4-5 years, she was somehow always with the flu and had her nose blocked...for years...). She's no



day 237 03.17.2015 Grandma is inactive for the last 4-5weeks

Hello all again,   Sorry for not making an entry for the last 2.5 months.   It's day 237 today, Tuesday 17th of March, St-Patrick's day today! yay...Happy St.Patrick's day to the ones who have Irish ancestors...connections, family, etc...   Grandma Adile is not well for the last 4-5 weeks, she's quite, sad, and is like given up on everything. The neurologist who came to visit her at home said "she might be going in depression, that's perfectly normal for this kind of severe brain damage,



day146 12.26.14 grandma wishes you all a merry xmas & a happy new year

Hello there stroke network,   Grandma is doing ok, well actually great. She and I would like to wish you all a belated very happy x-mas...and a healthy, hopeful and happy new year full of times where you and we are all aware of ourselves.   Grandma Adile still cant talk, can mummble some words but she needs to practice with a speech therapist, probably in the new year.   Her eldest daughter, my auntie Nursun has came to visit her with her 2 daughters (my nieces Burge and Gunce) and her gr



day111 11.21.2014 video of grandma(taken on day93)

Hello all,   It's been a long time since last entry. Grandma Adile is doing great, she's learned to carry her own paralysed leg, and she even learned to climb up and down the stairs in her own apartment, thanks to the great physio therapist's efforts.   I'm now sharing a video of my grandma with you all, this was taken on day93, she's trying to walk with her cane, nowadays she has shown great progress and is getting out of bed on her own, and walks on her own too...I don't know how to expres



day90 10.31.2014 grandma'd taken steps on her own!!!

Hello and good morning all,   it's 7:38am, on a beautiful saturday morning in Izmir, Turkey. 1st of november (day91). So happy halloween to all of you out there, was it last night or this night again...hope the children had great fun...and of course yourselves, as parents and grandparents...   well I've been to my grandma yesterday for 1 hour...She was having her PT exercises...I met the PT, talked to him for a few mins, he's a great guy really, he does care about grandma, and had her exer



day85 10.26.2014 Grandma had proper lunch at the table!

Hello all,   I haven't been to grandma for more than a week now...not that I'm very busy or anything but just couldn't. Well, my mom was there today and she told me that grandma was really happy to take a shower via my mom's help. Mom made her sit on a plastic chair and then she took a proper shower, her first after 85days...she had her stroke in the shower on August 2nd 2014. Mom said she was really happy to have a shower. Then she had lunch with her nurse and mom at the table, and she ha



day75 10.16.2014 and she counted from 1 to 10 outloud!

Hello all, 10:54pm on a warm october night, 16th of october to be exact.   And she talked, we could say technically that my grandma had spoken today, I've heard her voice, just like old times...it was totally an amazing time in my life that I will never forget, exactly 75 days after her stroke, she did count from 1 to 10..not so properly but she did it...it was the PT who discovered that she was repeating after him as he was moving my grandma's paralysed leg up and down and was counting, so di



day73 10.14.2014 grandma is learning

Hello and good morning all, tuesday, 14th of October, 10:22am here in sunny Izmir, Turkey.   I've been to my grandma on saturday and on sunday and spent some 2-3 hrs with her with my mother and our nurse, Cevriye. She's a very disciplined nurse(caretaker) who had her degree from Bulgaria, a very decent woman of character, and is really taking good care of my grandmother. Grandma too loves her back it seems which is amazing for us. Mom feels so lucky to have bumped into Cevriye hn.   Anyway



day68 10.09.2014 Grandma's @home

Hello all,   10:29am here on a bright and sunny october day, 9th to be exact, hope you all are having a great autumn start in the northern hemisphere in the states.   I've been away from the city with me mates for 6-7 days, walking the Lycian way, 30-35km in 3 days with lots of elevation gain,etc...We were all off the limits of cell phone coverage and all hi tech mobile phones, etc...Camping out at the age of 38 has made me more cautious on the city water I use now, and nature...nature is am



day57 09.28.2014 grandma gets rid of the NG tube =)

Hello all,   Must mention that I'm a little or way too drunk to write this down but...still...I know it's been ages since last entry but...still..there I go, must update the status somehow...and couldn't wait for this...=) great news...   Grandma got rid of her NG tubing on last friday, the 26th of Sept,on her 55th day of the stroke...that was my mother's push over the doctors...proving that grandma can swallow more than enough...anyway, she triumphed....she persuaded the doctors that grandm



day52 09.23.2014 PT ends this week

Hello all,   11:03am on a beautiful tuesday morning out here, 27°C...sunny...and still sunny on 23rd September.   Still have not been to the hospital and mom told me that she had enough of this hospital PT which was 20min to 60 mins per day and she said she could hire a PT and train grandma at home, and it'd be much better she said...I guess noone is in control of the situation in the hospital and noone was able to forecast or plan anything for my grandma and she believes this PT thing was



day48 09.19.2014 Friday report

Hello and good morning all,   It's 08:04am on a really cool (20°C) saturday, I've not been to the hospital to see grandma for days now, must be a week or so. Mom and my uncle and the hired nurse stays in 24h shifts with her in her 3 patient room.   Grandma is said to be smiling and laughing (or trying to laugh with making noise) more than in the last weeks, which is a really positive sign I believe.   Grandma also stood up in her bed for many times, whilst receiving her daily PT. I beli



day45 09.16.2014 grandma's first step :)

Hello and good morning, 08:33am, tuesday, day45...   Mom reported that grandma had taken her first step forward and then back with very little help! Truly amazing stuff...The PT has told mom that they should now try to make grandma stand-up and see if she can stand up and stay in that position! Well she did...and the doctors said she will be kept there in the hospital for 1 month at least...And grandma consistently asked mom to lift her up in her bed, that's another awakening sign of her...s



day44 09.15.2014 pt going ok

Hello and goodmorning to all of you,   It's 7:36am here, on day44 of my gradnma's fight, monday. I was there with her for 2 hours on saturday, and we laughed in an insane manner, she was doing great moralwise...and the therapists said that the nurse and my mom did a good job while she was at home, that her muscles on her paralysed side are still active and strong..right leg and arm mainly.   Real physio therapy will start today I believe, they will start taking her from her 3 people room to



day40 09.11.2014 back to the hospital

Hello all,   Well it's september11th, I do want to start by stating that I'm a full humanatarian and anti-capitalist who believes terrorism is no cure for anything, even if it's a setup...etc...many contraversial comments in my mind about this, got to cut this short. I was in Saudi Arabia working for Saudi ARAMCO on that day, and a US citizen (en engineer from Parsons, an american company) I was talking to said "I must go back to the camp to watch the news", and it was daytime, and I said " w



day37 09.08.2014 monday

Good morning all, 8:57am, Monday the 8th of September.   Could not visit grandma for the last 3 days, mom was not there as well, she had 2 nights away from the city and she is now cleaning the house, but the conversation usually comes down to grandma's health...there's no escape from that. She kept on telling me that money is a must for people who are old, she complains about the government not taking full charge of everything the patient's need and that people should consider health insuranc



day34 09.05.2014 mom's taking a break at last

Hello all,   Hope everythings going OK for you all out there.   Mom is taking a weekend break, starting today, she and my father went to our summerhouse today, after a month after the incident, my grandma's strok which took place on 08.02.2014 on a saturday at 5:30pm in the bathroom as she was taking a shower which we assume was to get rid of her headache which she never told us, and we won't ever know...probably she had the idea of not telling that her head was in pain, that she had a sever



day31 09.02.2014 routine

Hello all,   Today is september 2nd, its 7:30pm here, and I've spent just over an hour at grandma. It was a funny coincidence that me, my mother and uncle arrived there without knowing that we'd all be there, and with a 10 min difference each...it was really really funny. The nurse (Cevriye) was shocked as well, she said "so this is just a coincidence, right?" , and I said "well yes, I was supposed to come but did not know my uncle and mom would stop by"...we had a good laugh, grandma did too.



day30 09.01.2014 my dream

Hello all,   It's september 1st here in Turkey, 11:55am, monday, so have a nice week whereever you are.   I havent been to my grandma for the last 3 days, I want to visit her today for a short period of time, as there's some governmental applications to be made for refunds, etc...   The last 3 days were good as my mother said, she was there for the weekend, saturday morning till sunday lunch time, and everything was good she said. She had shown grandma photos of me-my grandfather and hers



day26 08.28.2014 photos

Hello all,   It was thursday, day26 yesterday, and I had 2hrs with grandma, showed her photos, tried to tell who are in the photos, basically it was me and grandma and grandfather...she tried to look at me, then to the photo and back to me for several times. Then I showed her a children's tale, cats, mouse, dog cartoon figures,and she turned the pages as I was talking about the mice, dog and cats. We still dunno how much she can take-in, but she seemed interested and was turning the pages with



day25 08.27.2014 funny grandma

Hello all,   Spent nearly 2 hours with grandma today, had my lunch there with mom and my uncle and washed the dishes to help mom. Grandma never had a dishwasher, she never wanted anything from us, although she had the money to buy stuff, she just did not...we call those kind of people not stingy but rather "someone who has seen war times", it was a habit for her to keep all kinds of glass jar in some special cupboard. Anyway, grandma was funny, she laughed a lot to me and to the things I sai



day24 08.26.2014 long time no blog

Hello all,   Been off for 5 days, did not see grandma, mom, noone...it was just me and my mates for the last 5 days. We've been to our summer house where grandma had her stroke on 08.02.2014, the house was kind of abandoned, left on its own...We've brought life into the house, daylight, then had tea, cookies with a mate, slept there for 2 nights in a row, used the house and I did mention grandma's name whilst we were in the house...took some photos of the house to show her how nice it looks,



day18 08.20.14 first yoghurt with a teaspoon =))

Hello all again,   It's nearly 3:04pm, I took my mom to see my grandma's doctor, and get a few more diapers, bed sheets from the pharmacy near the hospital. The guy at the pharmacy has told us some cruel stories about not caring children for their elders, and some even saying this irritating phrases "my mom's not going to get better anyway, I don't want to buy this, oh you are recommending this airbed just because you want to make good profit, right mr.pharmacist?"...what the heck? people are



day17 08.19.14 steady speed recovery

Well hello all again,   A bit late for yesterday's report, here it is.   Just been to my grandma for over 30mins, it was a stopover...she was doing fine, she was almost funny. The nurse we've hired is a wonderful lady, full of energy...she does not stop working...just for a 5 min coffee with milk and a quick lunch...that's it...she's very disciplined as she wears her green hospital clothing that you may be confusing her as a surgeon! haha...My aunt (mom's elder sister) is staying with her i

