• A  blog is a personal journal of your daily life as a stroke survivor or stroke caregiver.  Surprisingly, countless members have called it therapeautic to write down their thoughts and to vent their frustrations.  You can make it private, just for your eyes or public and share your personal thoughts with your friends.  Why not try it, create your blog and start writing and see if it helps you.  


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  • swilkinson

    Living on angel time.

    By swilkinson

    I went to see the neurosurgeon on Tuesday. I was interviewed by a young Asian associate doctor and sent for a 3D MRI and angiogram, a brand new way of showing  the blood supply within the brain. The results were given to me by the associate and then I saw the specialist. It appears the aneurysm is larger and deeper than previously thought but at my age they are not going to operate as it would mean a full brain surgery. Coiling, one method of dealing with an aneurysm, is not an option. I think I

This is TOO funny

A guy walks into a bar with his pet monkey.   He orders a drink and while he's drinking, the monkey grabs some olives off the bar and eats them, then grabs some sliced limes and eats them, then jumps up on the pool table, grabs the cue ball, sticks it in his mouth and swallows it whole.   The bartender screams at the guy, "Did you see what your monkey just did?" The guy says, "No, what?" "He just ate the cue ball off my pool table - whole!" says the bartender.   "Yeah, that doesn't surp




WHY WHY WHY WON'T ANYONE let me have UNSWEET TEA!!!!!!!! no matter HOW many times i say UNsweet tea, and even if the little screen at mcdonalds clearly says UNSWEET tea, 95% of the time i drive off to find out it's SWEET TEA!!!!!   i've tried to taste it first but INVARIABLY this will be the time i have to "pull up" (because i usually get grilled chicken that has to be cooked) and then they throw my order at me and run off and i have to go RIGHT back inside and get a new tea. it happens




that's my husband's name. benjamin BUFORD williams lll.   his name is a CURSE!!!! he avoids calling himself his name at ALL costs!!! when he makes reservations he always says " BEN williams". when i first started dating him i wore a sweater of his and spilled chocolate icecream all over it. the next day i offered to have it cleaned and he said it was already at the cleaners. i INSISTED on picking it up and paying for it. he finally told me that it wasn't in his name. i said" what do you ME



100 List

100 Things About Myself.   1. I was born in downstate Illinois. 2. I lived in the same house for the first 18 years of my life. My family still owns it. 3. I was born 7 weeks premature, 4. My parents were called to pick me up from school when I was in second grade. I had thrown a temper tantrum because it was time for math and I wanted to study English (or visa versa) 5. I grew up on a farm. 6. I was a member of 4-H for 10 years. 7. I once had a calf as a pet. 8.



More Grace Needed

I wonder does everyone have someone who rubs them the wrong way...causing you to need more grace to be around them?  




Wow, I woke up today, Tuesday and layed on my left side for about 10 minutes to fully awake,then sat up and felt major dizzy...it was as if I had been spun around and around like on a ferris wheel and suddenly stopped...head kept spinning. Had I been young, I would have enjoyed it, but it scared me...made me lie back down immediately to get my bearrings. Since then, I've continued to feel dizzy..not as drastic as at first. Not sure why or what I'm expecting as a reply or added posting...jus




i HAVE to do EVERYTHING, the exact same way every single time or i WILL forget something !!!!!   i am more sure of that today than i EVER have been!!!!! i have to put my clothes on a hanger in the exact same place every night including underwear and shoes or i spend FOREVER walking around in a daze trying to remember what to wear or if it's even clean the next morning. it's just easier to do it at night. same thing goes for carkeys, cell phone, work satchel, and the purse.   anyway,




This is a little scary but here goes...   1. I'm a Pisces   2. I'm married to my best friend who happens also to be a great LOVER! Very lucky me!!!   3 I have 2 children   4. I tell my daughter to lighten up...   5. I tell my son to get more serious...   6. I have a Peke-a-Poo.   7. I love him like a child...He brings only joy and licks...   8. I have a small group of wonderful friends.   9. My oldest friend is from the 3rd grade.   10. My first job was workin



The man fishing

A short moral story I wrote when I was 20.   There was a man out fishing one day. It was a beautiful day and he was content. On one of his casts his line became tangled. The man tried to untangle his line, but could not. He would pull on one piece and then another, but the knot only became tighter and tighter.   The man grew agrivated and drew out his knife to cut the line. While opening his blade the man cut his fingure. While the man was sucking on the wound he saw a piece of the knot th



The children's Journey

This is a story from way back that I still enjoy:   In one unknown village it was the tradition of the children to climb a nearby mountain before they were allowed to become braves. This act would occur once a year, with those who could not make the entire journey trying again, and the new ones to attempt the journey. They had to go until they had to return due to exhaution and bring a plant from the point in which they turned around to return.   On the morning of the start of the journey



Ever noticed?

Old jokes I still like   Why do we drive in parkways and park in driveways?   Why do they call it a pair of pants when it's only one?   If they call shorts shorts, why don't they call pants longs?   Why do they call it 7/11 when it's open 24 hours?   Why do they have killers but not killhims?   Why do they have victims, but not victhers?   If you saw a lawyer and an IRS auditor in the lake drowning would you a) Go to lunch b) Take a nap   And the answer to the age old



100 things

Might as well do my 100 things list.   1. I'm 6'4 1/2" 2. I don't know, and really don't want to know my weight 3. I have blue eyes with a yellow star burst centered on the pupils. 4. Every time I look at my eyes I'm reminded of the book Vurt 5. I'm half Irish and half Cherokee with some Apache thrown in for meaness 6. I got my sense of humor from the Cherokee side. 7. I got my physical build from my Cherokee side as well. 8. I have a bassett hound laying on my feet right now



100 things about me

1. I am woman, and I can roar! 2. I am married, for now. 3. I am a mother of two. 4. I have pierced ears. 5. I hate tattoos on women. 6. I am a demacrat. 7. I am a liberal. 8. I am Pro-choice. 9. I don't believe in organized religion. 10.I used to sew quilts. 11.I once was very creative. 12. My dining room is painted a deep red. 13. My office is a deep hunter green. 14. I love bold colors. 15. I used to be very quiet and shy. 16. If you believe #15 I've got a bridg



racial problems

i entitled this blog "racial problems" so i would get a lot of responses. i am a caucasion female and i have lived in the "city of the civil rights movement" since i was ten years old.   i have worked, lived, been to school, and BREATHED in the same town as many of my friends "of color" and have not ONCE, for ANY reason had a dispute based on race. i think that it is all a matter of attitude. many people think that because it's "the south" that there are problems , NOT so . more than HALF of



Sore Muscles

Yesterday, I helped my husband load and unload firewood from two trailers and the back of our pickup to give to a friend's dad. We had too much wood, it was very dry and needed to be burned soon. Anyway, I feel my thighs and arms in a big way today. Guess it proves I can feel something. My back aches, too. Boo hoo for me. Just glad I could help so hubby didn't have to do it all himself which he would have done...he's a workaholic. We have a wood burning stove. The friend's dad has a



100 "thingys" about me

1) i have been married three times and have ALWAYS kept my maiden name even before it was popular 2) i LOVE to wear black 3) many times when i am alone i will actually PLAN and carry out comfort food eating binges and then sleep for hours 4) i have seen every episode of law and order 5) i have seen every episode of the andy griffith show 6) i have only been fired from a job once. i was 16 and my father fired me for insubordination 7) i tasted cat food once to see what it tasted like




I think there were some that misinterpret my Blog Yea I get nervous about possibly having another stroke but there is nothing I can do. I had one and am pulling through it and maybe if I were to have another one I would get my permanent disability even quicker just a little humor about me still fighting for it there is abousolutly nothing I can do to prevent another one from happening. I just thought I would share what I had felt and heard about my friend having another one.   Thanks



Ok 100 things

It seems everybody else is doing it, so I might as well do it too   1. I am short. 2. I am overweight. 3. I don't know what my real hair color is. 4. I like my finger nails. They grow real nice and long. 5. I won't eat fish. 6. My favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip. 7. I love the O.C. tv show. 8. I have read every V.C. Andrews book. 9. I like my movies as comedies. 10. I still think Jon Bon Jovi is HOT! 11. I was a cheerleader in 4th grade. 12. I lo



Last Train to Clarksville

This blog was set invisible at Clark's (the bloggers) request. He has a new one.   -----------------------------------------------------     *beep* off and wanting to fight, feelings i haven't had since high school. There are times in a man's life maybe a woman's also where on physical violence seems to lighten the load we carry. It took me one broken nose and two chipped teeth to realize that pehaps this wasn't the best of courses to take, but because I was bigger than almost any in sch



My friends heartache

Today a dear friend in Florida may have to tell the doctors to "pull the plug" on her only child....her 25 yr. old daughter. This young woman has had many problems in her life and made a lot of bad choices. Her family got her in to drug rehab that was to start soon. She decided to have one more fling before going and OD'd. She is now in a coma with little to no brain activity.   In spite of the bad choices and the heartache she caused her family, she is loved deeply and the family is saddene



100 things about me....maybe

1. I'm 56 going on 80 today 2. I have 1 daughter 3. I have 1 grandson 4. I was a single parent 5. Last November I started getting the child support I never got for 28 yrs. 6. I have sandy blond short hair 7. I use to have light blond hair and could sit on it 8. I had a great childhood with loving parents 9. I have 3 brothers and 4 sisters living...1 brother deceased 10. I'm an only child. 11. All my siblings are 1/2's....I'm the only child my parents had together 12. I l



My 100

1. I'm a natural redhead 2. I hate cream cheese 3. I hate mayonnaise 4. I hate sour cream 5. If it's white, I probably won't eat it 6. My favorite ice cream is blue moon 7. I was a cheerleader in High school 8. And college 9. I can still do the splits in any direction 10. I love to cook 11. I love lobster tail 12. I watch all the cooking shows but would never eat what they make 13. I used to have a pair of shoes to match every suit in my closet 14. I l



A Gray Foggy Day

Pre stroke, I think I used to get cabin fever and be affected by lack of sunlight. I forget what it is called now. I always got somewhat bummed out in February and March. I love spring and I hate the long winters. All day long today it has been trying to snow. I have had a desire to do SOMETHING today. Don't know what, I just have that itch to clean out closets or drawers or cabinets. But I can't, cause I have pretty much done it, just need the spouse there to agree what is mine that I can tak

