
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by GreenQueen

  1. My three columns are






    It's amazing what we think we really need actually is a desire.


    We aren't rich, but we don't go without.  So I'm hearing you Kelli; it's quite difficult talking finances and it all sounding 'right'. 


    But in the end, doesn't matter how it sounds. As long as you are happy with whatever living situation you find yourself,  it's all good.



  2. Wayne could eat fruit mince pies till the cows came home!


    Kev, they look great!


    I'm not sure if it's because we didn't have a lot of money growing up, or that mum wasn't a cook, but we didn't have anything flash at Christmas.  Except for trifle. Loved trifle and pav at Christmas!



  3. Sue I really love how you always look on the bright side of things. 


    Christmas...well. Being a Christian, it should be one of my favourite times of year.


    I really don't like the materialistic side of Christmas.  The overinduldging of food. Too many presents.


    Not living alone, I wouldn't be bothered if Christmas was a non event. 


    But I feel for you Sue, as even church services etc will be quite different this year.


    All the best for your daughter's leg.



  4. 4 hours ago, heathber said:

    It's that thing about life moves forward whether you are ready or not so you keep going forward, dwelling on what was and now cannot be is a waste of energy you could be spending on making tomorrow better.  Chose to be happy.


    Words to live by Heather. 


    There are people out there who have a low opinion of me. All good in the fact my opinion of them doesn't reach great heights either.


    But I've been trying to accept the fact there are people who have low opinions of me!


    Not to get into details...their actions and words caused me to either react in a way they didn't like (family), or change how things are done (at the baddy club).


    I need to accept and be happy.



  5. Being a Christian,  I've always felt that it's part of the plan.


    Knowing that and accepting that were two totally different things however. 


    Three months after I became disabled, I was in charge of staff prayer at work; I worked in the library of a Catholic primary school. 


    My choice of prayer was about truly accepting God's word. 


    ie the line in the Lord's prayer:


    Thy will be done...


    I remember sitting in the staff room, everyone around me praying and there's me, crying. 


    I realised that I hadn't accepted my new life as the life I was to lead.


    So I grabbed the bull by the horns, quit my job and concentrated on me and my family.


    I took on volunteering as a greeter when cruise ships came to town (I'm on hiatus for a while!), volunteer at the soup kitchen, attend mass twice a week, make cards for the nursing home...and most importantly I'm available whenever my kids need me.


    We decided life was worth living.  


    With the kids and my parents, went across Australia on the train, then went on a cruise to new Zealand and the bottom of Australia. 


    We took the kids to Hawaii, San Francisco, Toronto, Vancouver, jasper, Quebec city for a magical white Christmas and Lake Louise for new year.


    Last year we went to Singapore. 


    Not quite how I thought life would turn out. It's better than I ever imagined. 


    These days my kids feel very privileged to have seen so much of the world.  Me too.



  6. Sue I'm very much having a down day.

    Whilst WA is great, there is still the shadow looming over us. Still social distancing etc.


    You are right, keeping busy is what keeps me going, and happy.


    You are definitely allowed pity parties. As long as they have a finishing time, and don't linger for too long.  There are no good days without the bad.


    I need to take my own advice. 

