hostpam's Blog

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Survivors secret journey

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What is sucess to you?

I know my definition of sucess has changed since stroke entered my life. How do all of you measure sucess? At one time it was the address, money and job and car I drove. It also was having the first son to carry on the husbands family name. That was then, this is now....( did that book appeal to amyone besides me?) I have some more Zen to share, it is untitled and the author is unknown to me.   To laugh often and love much, to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of childr



Pot Luck

I don't have a title, or a specific topic in mind, it is all just rambling and propaganda anyway. Does anyone else out there realize just how many people on a daily basis, believe their own propaganda? My soon to be X and his bike, er bimbo, are two of the most self deceived people I've come across. And HELLO! I'm the one with brain damage!Neither of them would recoginize the truth of reality unless it walked up to them and slapped them both silly. Then because they both appear to have the inte




Webster's defines support as: Main Entry: 1sup



Lord Byron

Lord Byron may know what he is talking about- should I heed his warning????   To the Young Wife     1Are you content, you pretty three-years




Yesterday I was up in Albany. Albany is the capitol of NY state, so it is a city in a way. We were on a side street stopped at a lred light. On the sidewalk directly outside my window were 2 teen boys. You all will recognize the type of boys they were. One was overweight, "soft, could tell never had much excersise and he was young and smaller in stature then the other one. The other one was bigger, stronger, had a very strong athelitic build and looked very street wise.   Suddenly the bigge




Has anyone else noticed the same thing as I have this morning? How do you see the passage of time? In minute units or in hours or you haven't got a clue? As a kid I told time by the old fashioned type clock. We didn't have the time on microwaves, the computer or digital clocks. I didn't think of time in minute units, I thought of time in five minute units, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, ect..... Ha! Yeah I needed something to blog about today, can you tell? I was at the end of page two, teet




What is harder to do, Embrace the new post stroke self or cling tenaciously to something that is definitely water under a long torn down bridge? What works for one maybe ticks off another, but lets face it, the past is the past and let go of it and move forward. Why sit and spin ones tires in the muck and mud of life? Why have endless tantrums cause life didn't go your way? Awww poor baby..... it helps if you stop stomping your feet, but if you have a new nurse maid soothing that fragile sick




Interesting choice of topics lately, no? I had an experience this morning that I just thought was good solid blog material. Directly out my door, there is a cement sidewalk that wanders eventually to the parking area. The width of the sidewalk is about 2 feet, give or take. Next to the sidewalk is a garden that is full of foundation plantings. The foundationof the house is dry laid rocks, it is an old victorian. So it makes sense that the foundation houses snakes. Snakes in genral don't bother



I'd like to share the wealth

You know, it is a good thing I don't have powers like God is supposed to have. I would abuse those powers, not a doubt in my mind. I seek revenge on those I feel deserve it. Well I am wound up about the spouse and his mother. I know I should not be letting them make me angry, I know I am a better person then the Narcissist and his mother who seems to adore her youngest child a tad too much, where it borders on incest and being sick. But You know what? This is my blog and I'm going to say somet



Performing the Survivor Shuffle

We all know what the survivor shuffle is... It is what our gaits look like and our balance is gone when we get tired. For me it becomes one step forward and three steps sideways and then hop around on my right leg to get my balance back. It takes awhile to get to where I want to go doing the shuffle, but I get there eventually. "Eventually" has become my middle name. Why am I mentioning the survivor shuffle? Cause when I am performing my personal version I appear to be drunk, it happens at 9 a



Plans for today

Well I am the ripe old age of 42 today for real. I've been claiming that age for months now. Every laugh line and wrinkle and gray hair are mine, I earned them all. That goes for the rolls of fat that have appeared to be happy to have residence on my body. Gee, soon I can start a bakery with all these rolls. OK, enough we all get the picture, I'm ok with how old I am and how I am.   Today is a great day to look forward to as I have an appointment with SVEN, my own personal massuese. Plus, Bil




Isn't it amazing what the wonders of a good solid nights sleep do for one? The best thing about a bad day or week in my case, is that there is always another day to give it another shot. The brand new day holds out all the possabilities of what is to come or what CAN happen. The Doom and gloom evaporates at some point during the night. My problem is I get mired in the muck of what isn't right in my life, what I need to change, ect... I take myself too seriously. I think too much. So today I w



The moving has begun--"Stuff"

Last night we started moving some stuff into the apartment, I have a key now. We unrolled the new carpet I had bought, moved the bed in and a few other smalls and bags from shopping. The small round dining table fits perfectly in the bay window alcove, I can't wait to hang the curtians..... My daughter was with us and she passed the apartment on the approval score, so did the spouse. I have way to much stuff already, I can see it filling up and getting cluttered, got to get into downsizing m




I woke up at 4 a.m. this morning, courtesy of Petey the Pom. As soon as I woke up, the mind kicked into overdrive. The thoughts weren't good, positive, peaceful ones, nah, just the opposite. Yesterday, was a good peaceful happy day. So my question I am trying to solve is this. Is happiness only a state of mind? Is happiness so fragile, that it books off at the first sign of a negative thought? Is it so tentative, that it is a constant focus to keep it in place? I don't seem to ever remember



American Romantic era writers

I have a new project I just started. Since my stroke I have become interested in writers of the romantic era. Originally I liked the English poets Byron and Shelly. Then Mom pointed out that there were plenty of good American writers from the same era and I shouldn't become an elitist snob...... So that has stuck in my head and finally when Bill and I went to Barnes and Noble and wandered around that store for close to 5 hours and each found a book, plus we enjoyed a starbucks coffee and split a




I am fired up over a post on the board from a newbie about her father.Maybe I have reached a point where my saturation level for the sucky attitudes of family members of stroke survivors has maxed out. I'm tired of hearing the whining how stroke has inconvienced their lives. Now before I get blasted from the other side, I know stroke affects everyone. But as a survivor that lived with that attitude from my X and his parents, I take a huge offense to it and it *beep* me off! Yes, the stroke aff




I felt like blogging this morning. The only topic I could think of to write about is the notice I received from my bank regarding my checking account. It seems the accounting method I adopted for the last year of making a deposit and writing checks and keeping a running tally in my head doesn't really work too well when one has lost the ability for simple addition and subtraction. Duh! What was I thinking???? So needless to say my checkbook is a mess..   Not that my checkbook was ever in grea



Our Interesting Blog Community

In the past day or two, there have been some interesting questions posed. I for one never thought I'd keep my blog going beyond the first month or two. But I'm glad I have and I enjoy reading the others blogs. When I do things or something happens, I find myself telling myself that is a good blog entry, I'll have to blog that. And I do. Blogging is also a good place not to have to be politically correct or always proper. We can be ourselves in our blogs. Get to know the person beyond the survivo




The other day/night? I was watching a show on the discovery channel about the worlds most dangerous ants. One of course were the Soldier ants, nasty things. the others were in Brazil and I forgot their names now but they are nasty things...... The destruction a colony can do in a matter of seconds is amazing. Well you may be wondering why I'm blogging about nasty ants? It seems ever since I saw that show, I have ants in my apartment. They keep crawling up my legs when I'm at the computer. Yuck!



The distant past

I needed a subject to blog about and the past is the only thing I could come up with. The past is on my mind. More specifically someone from the past; someone I once dated. It was twenty plus years ago and I dumped him for some infraction I don't even recall the details of. He is a few years younger then me. My older brother ran into him a few weeks back. Seems he had a brain tumor removed from his brain and he inquired after me, my brother told him about my Aneurysm and stroke.... he gives m



An irritable vent

WARNING! I am in a bad mood and I'm sure what I'm about to write will offend someone who is feeling wimpy today. But I was just reading the board and rather then post my feelings on a thread and hurt someones feelings, I thought this is a much better place to vent. Why is it that some people have to be so meladramatic over stroke???? What, like having a stroke was no big deal in the first place? Or better yet, I love those that are of the mind that their situation is so much worse off then eve



Being PC

I will say this is my blog and these are my opinions. I am on a soapbox about being politically correct today. Like come on people, we are still a free country, my opinions don't have to be your opinions, my views don't have to be clones of yours. Take a deep breath and accept that not everyone has the same views as you. If you are happy being mainstream and having someone tell you how to think, well fine good for you, but I'll think for myself thank you very much. How many times have I h




Well I finally feel like I can write about this and not cry my eyes out or feel so raw about it. It would seem the spouse has slept with the bimbo from next door. I wasn't even out of the house 24 hours before it happened. Yeah, I know he's a *beep* and a few other choice words the filters will not let me use. What adds the insult to injury, is that I detest that woman, have from day one. I suspected something was brewing the last few weeks before I moved out. Of course my 13 year old son was sp




I have a story to tell. The other day after we dropped Peter off at the airport, we (my parents and I) went to The Christmas Tree Shop. I had never been to the one in Albany and I was thrilled with the entire store. I'm waiting on line, the checker is a middle aged guy who was slower then Molasses. I was tired by then and the wait was even longer because the guy moved and talked slow.   Now in my previous life I had been a waitress, I moved quick, talked quick and operated on a daily speed of



Ablog about Nothing

If you tuned in to this blog or this page and are expecting to be mentally stimulated, amused or entertained, well you can stop reading cause none of those things are my purpose today. I haven't been able to come up with a subject. My mind is blank. I've wandered around the board for awhile, looking for inspiration but haven't found any. In fact the lack of material on the message board that I might find inspiring makes me wonder what has happened? Where have all the intellectual thoughts and

