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Diary Of A Madmann

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Made The Paper!

Was on the front page of our city paper. The word "suspect" wasn't used!!!!   Sam and I went out swimming and a photographer found us. Here's a link to some pics, and his blog entry.   http://www.flickr.com/photos/nerdhole/sets...57621296704521/   http://zachgray.me/2009/07/13/arcadia-therapy/   Entry is titled Arcadia Therapy   The one with Harley swimming was in the paper.



Update on My Daughter

She called early this morning. Interview went OK, but no deal. She hit the pavement with her resumes and portfolio on Mon, Tue, and half Wed with no results. She was not a happy camper.   Then, I get a call. She walked into a boutique and ran into a big time designer. Lady talked to her, sent her over to another woman for an interview. She said it was about 5 minutes long, then the designer lady said to her, "I like you, you have guts. Can you show up Monday morning?" She was impresse



Busy Week

Last weekend my daughter had some of her jewelry shown at a show. She entered a bunch, 3 pieces were selected, 2 of those won awards!! Last month she was invited to a fashion show to display her designs. She arranged the models, did all the stuff. Went very well. Got a call from a place in NYC to do an internship. She called THIS MORNING to say she needed a ticket to LaGuardia on Sunday, to be there Monday. Thank God for airline miles. She has a friend that lives there, so she'll be OK.



Back To "Normal"

Whatever that is!! Sam finally finished the round of appointments that the fall generated. She's OK and I helped to put a bunch of Dr's kids through college again. She's back to standing, and I'm not even looking at the TV while she does it. Lesson learned, there!!!   Took Rudy to the Vet. Had him checked out and "noodled" (as Sam calls it). Was a bit worried about heartworms, because he would cough and be short of breath when he ran with the big dogs. He's OK, too. A little slow toni



OK!! All Is Well!!

After all the "stuff" Sam went through, we got the call from the Dr that there are no problems with her scans. She's OK fine. Scared the crap out of me, though.   Last night, however. We're asleep and I wake to a "thump, thump, thump". I lay there and again I hear, "thump, thump, thump". OK! It's @ 3 AM, kids are not home, what's up? HMMMM! Dogs are quiet. "Thump, thump, thump" on the stairs again. I wander out to investigate, and sure enough, the 2 idiots are playing. Rudy takes th



Messed Up The Other Day!

Sam has been doing great on her exercises. Working hard, getting stronger. On Sunday afternoon, she was standing up and down with her walker. She started up, lost her balance, and started to tip. I grabbed for her but only caught her sleeve, and she hit the floor.   Bloody nose, bump on the forehead, she said her neck was sore, so I packed her up and took her to the ER. Dr did a check, nose bruised but not broken. Neck was just strained. X-ray showed no problem with anything, but a C



It Finally Got ME!

Been feeling bad for the past month. "Cold" that just wouldn't die. Dr says I have some kind of bronchiocrapolitis. He gave me a scrip for that. OH!! But the great news is that the BP finally caught up with me. Too high for the Feds and my medical certificate, so I got one for that also. Oh well. A couple years ago my arms got too short and I had to start wearing cheater glasses. This is just another one of those things. Can't go back to work for 2 weeks until it goes down.   Good ne



Dog Wars!!

We have our little guy "Rudy" and our big one "Harley". They get along pretty well. Actually, they're now almost inseparable. Find one, the other one is there. Best buddies. That is, until Harley takes Rudy's toy. Then you can see some fireworks. The little dude turns into 3 1/2 pounds of concentrated anger. The thing can lay on the floor all day long, but let Harley pick it up, and Rudy goes BALLISTIC!! Harley weighs 50#, but can't take the onslaught of the little one. It's better tha




Sam is DETERMINED to WALK again. She's been working at it for the last few weeks. Got her standing in a walker by herself. The trouble is balance. She has the strength to get up, but when she does, she can't stay up for long. She's working hard, though, and I think she might just do it.   Got us a "new" boat. Guy gave us a little 14' aluminum boat that needs a lot of work. When I get done with it, it's going to be great fishing tool. She loves catfishing and this will be the thing we



Cold Weather, Warm Weather, Where Am I?

Got back on my schedule between Ohio and LA. What a week to do it. Leave Friday morning, -15 in Ohio and 4 hours later, I walk out into 68 at LAX. Then up to Seattle, 35 and rain. Down to Portland, 45. Friday night head back down to LA, 65, then shoot back to Toledo where it's 9 and snowing. How I don't have pneumonia, I don't know.   Here's something y'all might find interesting. This has come up on a bass fishing website a few times. Good info from a bunch of guys who care. We've



Saved Some Bucks

My son brought his truck home with a leaking heater core this weekend. What a pain! I've never fixed one, but when the mechanic told me $800 to install a $45 part, I got REAL interested. Took us 10 hours, pulled the dashboard and all the other stuff hooked up to it. Two weekend shadetree mechanics with no experience "got 'er done". All told, only cost $60, and 2 days. The guys who design these things are sadists. ($800 is about 6 months of Sam's meds)   My daughter brought home a littl



Trout Season Again

Seems like last week, but we're back to winter trout fishing. Sam was fired up, so I got everything ready to go on thursday night. Alarm goes off at 4 am. I hit snooze, but she pokes me in the ribs. "Get up! We're going NOW!" Drag my butt out of a nice warm bed, hit the coffee pot, turn on the radio. Radio guy says it's 34 degrees and cloudy. OK. I get her up, dressed, make the eggs and toast. Put on her snow pants, boots, sweatshirt, down jacket, wooly hat, and gloves. Thermos is full



Still Hanging In There

Sam & I are still doing OK. It's been a while, but nothing really has changed. She's working hard, getting more strength in her right arm. She really has been working it for the past few months. We need that to get her to use a walker. She's done very well at speech therapy. She goes to a local university for the grad students to work with her. This was her 4th semester, and everyone loves her. All her Dr's are pleased with her health. All tests come back great, so we're happy.  



Here We Go Again!!!

:Rant-On:   It's been a busy few weeks. I think I've spent 5 days at home in the last 30. In addition to regular stuff, I had to do a week of ground training (that ended up being 10 days due to equipment problems) and was to go home yesterday. Scheduled on a 730 am flight, but was able to catch a standby on the 630. Turned off the phone and headed home. Turned the phone back on in OK City and it rang almost immediately. (I'm still waiting to get off the plane) Scheduler said he was tr



Who Says Romance Is Dead?

I asked Sam what she wanted to do for our anniversary this year. She said "Dinner, then a show, and a late night snack." Being the great and thoughtful guy that I am, I was more than happy to arrange that.   Last night the Oklahoma state fair had a $1 admission day. We started out with "mile long hot-dogs" and lemonade. (The dogs were only short by 5279 feet though.)   After dinner we caught the "Villiage People" concert. Macho Man, In The Navy, and the encore was YMCA!!! Does it get a



Greetings From Singapore

Got into Singapore on Thursday evening after spending 3 days in Bahrain. It's a bit warm over there. I thought I was miserable until I saw the Navy guys dressed in their BDU's. I'll never complain again. Say a prayer for our guys there!   Schedule changed so I've got Fri-Mon off here in Singapore. Went to the zoo yesterday. It was AMAZING! Best way to describe it is like walking through a tropical garden with animals in it. They set the exhibits in the forest, rather than cutting it



Travel and the Joy of Coming Home

As a professional traveler, there is nothing that beats the feeling of walking back through my own front door after a trip. I was out for a long 2 week journey around the States, and then for a couple days in Lima, Peru. (Miraflores to be exact, it's a "suburb" of Lima I guess.) Nice place, I've been down there 5 times now and really enjoy it. Great people, excellent food, overall a nice place to spend some time.   Dropped an airplane off for scheduled maintenance, spent a day, then had th



We're Still Here

Took a "computer vacation" I guess. Maybe just lazy. Sam and I have been busy for the last couple months. We took off for a week, loaded up the truck and went camping. No particular place, just packed up and drove. Had the dogs, tent, sleeping bag, cooler and picnic basket, and went for a ride. Had a ball and saw parts of Oklahoma we haven't seen before. Stayed a night at Broken Bow Lake. Nobody else there, and it was so quiet I thought there was something wrong with my ears. Silence.



Been A While

It's been a while since the last post because there's really nothing "new and exciting". There's still nothing new OR exciting.   Sam's been doing well with the speech therapy at the college. The therapist got the hang of things and is doing a great job. Sam likes it, and has been doing her "homework" regularly. It motivates her and she is showing some improvement. I can tell the difference on the phone. I understand a lot more and we can almost have a normal conversation when I'm at wo




I'm a pretty easy going guy when it comes to people, but I've only got one nerve left and someone really got on it today. Sam wanted to head out to the Asian Market to get "her food". I can do Thai cooking with her help pretty well, so off we went. We pulled in to the lot and the car in front of us parked in the only handicap space available. I noticed she didn't have a sticker or a plate, so when she got out I asked (politely) if she needed the spot. I didn't understand what she said, but



'Twas Another Good Winter Day

I didn't plan on it, but somehow I woke up at 4 AM. Asked Sam if she wanted to go fishing (as if I didn't know the answer!). We had breakfast and blew out to the lake. Colder than I thought it was. Sam was dressed as "Eskimo Joe", but I only had a jacket. Nice going. Froze my rear off until the sun came up. We did OK. Came home with 10 trout around 1PM. She got 7 of them. It's strange how a woman with one working arm can can out-fish most of the people out there (including ME!). I can



Sam Started Speech Therapy Today

The school opened up again after the mess we had the past couple weeks. She had her first session and it went pretty well. I don't think they knew what they were in for. The student therapist looked kind of dazed for a few minutes, but then she got into it. Very nice. She's going to get some good experience this semester.   Got out trout fishing for a few hours yesterday. Temp was around 40, but no wind, and sunny. We got 8. What a chore getting her out to the spot. Pulling a wheel



A Bit Of Excitement Last Night

We were spared the snow that we were predicted to get. Instead of the 6-12", we ended up with mostly rain, and then later in the evening around 2" of snow.   About 1030 pm, the fire trucks and ambulance came down the street to one of our neighbors. The guy was having a heart-attack on a really crummy night. The big firetruck left first, but when the ambulance tried to get out of the street, (we're on a slight hill) it got stuck and couldn't get moving with all the slush and ice. Three of



Let's Have Global Warming!!!

It's COLD down here in Okieland. I have this wierd white stuff covering the ground that is making a mess. This is just not right. I thought I left that stuff behind. We're supposed to get another 10" tonight, so we're prepared to hang out for the weekend in the house. We don't have the equipment to deal with large amounts of snow here, so it is a real pain in the butt. Please, make it go away!!!   Sam got called to do speech therapy at Oklahoma Central University for a 14 week session,



More Fishin' Stuff

The last week has been GRRRRRRRRREEAAAAAAATT! We've been at the lake every day and have been kicking butt. This is too much fun. I haven't seen Sam so lit up in years! It's cold, but the fishing has been fantastic. We get out around 7 AM, and stay untill about noon, and get home with 12 trout. The folks we hang out with are great. It's like a little party out there. We don't really know each other, but we have a ball. Some are there everyday, some just pop up, but everyone is friendly.

