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Private and not so private thoughts

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Sore Muscles

Yesterday, I helped my husband load and unload firewood from two trailers and the back of our pickup to give to a friend's dad. We had too much wood, it was very dry and needed to be burned soon. Anyway, I feel my thighs and arms in a big way today. Guess it proves I can feel something. My back aches, too. Boo hoo for me. Just glad I could help so hubby didn't have to do it all himself which he would have done...he's a workaholic. We have a wood burning stove. The friend's dad has a



100 things about me

1)I have curly/wavy hair 2)my husband and I were both 31 when we married 3)I don't eat organ meats(eg liver, gizzard, heart, etc.) 4)I'm 5' 8 5/8 " tall 5)I've had the same hairstyle for 25+ years....if it ain't broke, dont' fix it... is my motto 6)I have many interests thus many piles of stuff sitting around..a pack rat 7)prestroke I ran my own photography business out of my home for 18+ years 8)my favorite part of photography was/is weddings...I love the romance 9)my son is 20



Call me EEYORE, :)

I guess all my life I've felt like Eeyore, going around with a cloud over my head. My environment growing up taught me to consider outsiders with extreme caution and to never let my guard down. ie, never let anyone know how you really feel or you'll be sorry. Recently, this warning has been reinforced by an actual experience one that happened here at strokenet. I now come here with fear and trepidation, hoping I don't offend anyone and with somewhat a muzzle on, knowing that if I say too



Janice the Grouch

Well, I changed my mind, I will continue to blog but will not post anymore to threads as I don't want to be accused of flaming anyone. If the shoe fits..... I just cannot see why one would criticize anyone for their attitude. Just because that person doesn't have your PC attitude and 'vents' their frustration, doesn't give you the right to condem another. I don't appreciate being told my massive stroke as the doctors told me it was...that they consider my stroke mild in comparison to theirs.



Flaming those who don't agree with you

This morning I experience a very disappointing interaction when I posted to a thread that shall not be named. I was trying to make the point that one shouldn't bully someone for having an attitude different than your own.. eg. Having a half empty attitude vs the half full view point. I felt as though the one who has the half empty attitude is looked down on as inferior and it is not acceptable to have a half empty view of my life. I cannot vent on this without gettin some specifics ment



Should I repair ring on my own?

My 21st wedding anniversary is coming up on the ninth of this month. Last summer I lost the diamond out of my wedding ring and couldn't find it. So, I haven't worn my ring since then. I miss wearing it. I realize we can't afford to buy another diamond, but a cubic zirconia is cheap and I wonder if I should just go ahead and take the ring to a jeweler to have a cubic put in, and keep praying that the diamond will be found? I've hinted to hubby in the past I'd like to get a cubic but he is de




I am so frustrated, I tried to find a new purse this afternoon. I went to 7 different stores and saw the same useless design at all. I swear whomever designs purses doesn't use a purse. GRRRRRR It has to be a man, because they all have the same big hole in the middle which is fine for carrying your husbands wallet, but not useful for everyday use in trying to find anything. I wish I knew who I could contact to give them a piece of my mind, what's left of it. Why can't designers consult cons



Nothing new

I do get tired of the same old,same old. There is never nothing new in my life, Although not all new things are good news....eg....my stroke was a new thing for me back in 2001. Life is boring when you have no responsibilitiess..no job, no life,nothing to look forward to. I'm just in a complaining mood I guess.



Do it over again?

I wonder if given a second chance, what really would I do different if given a chance to do it again? The big question along with that chance would be would I know what I know now then? Could I use my current knowledge to "do it again"? Certainly if allowed my present knowledge I would do many things differently, but really would I do anything diffferent if not given any different knowledge? I felt I was doing the best I could at the time when doing it the first time. OK, mothers, I went



Guilt trip

I absolutely loathe having to spend time with my neighbor lady, Helen. I have stopped going anywhere because I hate having to spend time with her because she forces herself on me and invites herself to go along to what ever I planned to do. Helen is a widow. She has no children or family, came from Korea where her husband met and married her during that 'conflict'. Clyde, her late husband evidently was her only friend in life, even his family has difficulty with Helen. She doesn't speak w




I know I've covered this subject before but it keeps rearing it's ugly head. I cannot get my fat a** motivated to get moving and get around. What's the use? Why do it? What difference does it make if I go to ther effort of cleaning up and going to the exercise class or if I stay in my bed clothes all day? who cares? I really do not feel 'better' after exercising. Actually, I 'feel' more and more dissappointed for lack of results from having done the exercise. Nothing seems to ever impr



Am I unapproachable?

I sit and ponder the reasons why things happen. Probably not a healthy thing to do, since the reasons I come up with have to do with defeciencies. I am old, fat and ugly and cannot contribute to our relationship anymore. I'm defective. I have nothing to offer. I am a total loser and don't deserve to breathe the same air.



Am I normal?

I'm a 52 years old female. I evidently have a higher than ususal libido.(sex drive) I feel like Mrs. Roper of the Three's Company tv show. She was always complaining about Stanley's lack of interest in sex. I should have married a man 20 years younger than myself...their sex drive is still functioning.




Why do I have such a difficult time getting my a** in gear to get going for the day? I think it may have to do with motivation...what reason do I have to get around? Does it make any difference? I don't make any diffference in life anymore. Who cares whether I stay in my nightgown all day or not? It's not like I have anywhere important to go or to do!!!!!



Monday clean out

Today, I experienced a bowel clean out...diarrhea. No explanation, no real reason why, no new meds or anything, the only thing I can think is my body is ridding itself of any remaining bugs from the flu I had this past week. anyway, what a mess, and it's good to have that gone!! Sorry so gross. Now, I'm ready for a valentine day.




Why do I define who I am by my function in life? How can I redefine in my mind who I am by who I am rather than what I can do? How can I feel wanted? I feel unnecessary, in the way and a cause of more work for those around me. I don't 'pull my own weight' anymore.  



Almost human again

I've been sleeping most of the past 2 days and I'm finally almost feel human again. I had the flu shot back in November. So, if I remember next fall, I won't take the flu shot. It's a waste of time and $.



My life is a horror film

I feel like my life is a horror film in progress. Just when you think you're safe Jason shows up with his hockey mask on. I'm in a whining mood today, I feel like crap. I ache all over, my sides hurt from coughing. I truly hope I'm not sharing my flu with my family. That would be awlful.



I have a cold and feel like death warmed over

For the past two days I've had this crummy cold coming on. Today, it's full blown I ache all over and am feverish, my sinuses drain down my throat and makes me cough..causing me to pee a little each time. It's all a domino effect of feeling *beep*-ty. And I smell like amonia.ewwww! Maybe it's the flu, but I had the flu shot in November. I'm really creepy and smell bad. This doesn't add to make me feel good about being alive. To top it all, tomorrow is my 52nd birthday, lovely!



Who really is the enemy?

The enemy really is the same one for all of us....the enemy of our soul. The thief only comes to steal and destroy. Jesus came to give us life. John 10:10 Whenever I am lead down the stinkin' thinkin' pathway....it's time for me to pause and let go of the enemy's hand. he doesn't have any good intentions for me or my life. Whenever I am blue and go down that slippery spiral, the only one being glorified is the enemy. Who do I really want to win? God and God alone....my frailty is truly w



9th anniversary check up

Today, hubby had his 9th anniversary checkup for his colon cancer. All is clean, Praise God! As much as he irritates me, I don't know what I'd do without him. In 1996 he had colon cancer/surgery and chemo.



Next day clarity

I should know better. Things always look bleakest at night when you haven't had sleep.



Past life comes to haunt

What I was and who I was when was in college and shortly thereafter has haunted me for years. The circumstances of my marriage are a result of the lifestyle I lead when in my 20's. Hubby has always hated me because of it. He claims he loves(ed) me but I have never sensed in my heart any feeling other than hate and disapproval from him. We were both 31 when we got married.(old enough to know better) It's been almost 21 years and our son is almost 21 Many times I've tried to tell him how h



Reconsidered Waywardness

I've had a good night's sleep and have decided I will not seek out an old beau. That would just be too weird for all concerned. No sense in opening a can of worms that may be too big to contain.



Nasty person 1/30/05

All these self doubt questions. Combined with hubby's continued cold shoulder to me, has had me thinking of old guy friends. Just wondering what is happening in their world. Found an old love letter from one guy, now, when I read it I can plainly see he was very smitten with me but at the time I couldn't see it. I wonder if I'd be a nasty person if I were to try to locate this fellow and see what's happening in his world.... this relationship happened 25+ years ago and never kept in touch

