• A  blog is a personal journal of your daily life as a stroke survivor or stroke caregiver.  Surprisingly, countless members have called it therapeautic to write down their thoughts and to vent their frustrations.  You can make it private, just for your eyes or public and share your personal thoughts with your friends.  Why not try it, create your blog and start writing and see if it helps you.  


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  • swilkinson

    Living on angel time.

    By swilkinson

    I went to see the neurosurgeon on Tuesday. I was interviewed by a young Asian associate doctor and sent for a 3D MRI and angiogram, a brand new way of showing  the blood supply within the brain. The results were given to me by the associate and then I saw the specialist. It appears the aneurysm is larger and deeper than previously thought but at my age they are not going to operate as it would mean a full brain surgery. Coiling, one method of dealing with an aneurysm, is not an option. I think I


Well the day finally happened. My worst fear. I received a letter regarding my healthcare. I get a subsidy to help pay for my premiums to have insurance. I have to look at all my doctor’s share the same insurance, I also have to get a premium coverage that allows me to go out of state to a better hospital system that specializes in stroke. Well I have, as well as everyone who gets Social Security Disability, Medicare part A which basically covers hospital and other basic needs. I’ve never used M



such a blah day

some days I feel dumbest person on the earth, can't think anything straight at all. on those days I want to just sit & cry for my dumbness. any how if I have to focus on things I still can not do list is long sometimes don't see things right infront of me ok I should scan the area & then I do notice it, but if I need to list things wrong with me list is long 1. don't have any peripheral vision yes luckily its lower quadrant but feel like dummy when I miss things which is right there



Third Procedure

I had the third radiofrequency ablation last week. It was the worst one. It took 4 times to get the IV probably because I was dehydrated and the staff got frustrated with me because I jumped when it hurt. And it DID. So they numbed it And that Burned but they got the vein in my wrist. I was in a panick plus I felt the staff was angry with me because they could not get it right.    Both wrists are bruised up now. My side and shoulder hurt bad after this time. But they warned me of that.



going for procedure

still scary anticipating pain. but after will be good thing. i will go get food too. i fasting now. hungry. i go get a bite in hospital cancer center. I always glad I not there usually.   my hand jerks. what is this ? no one knows. but texting is bad.   ok here we go again. the sedation part cant come quick enough. i wearing lucky shawl with big buttons. i feel alone. son texting me. angels all around of course.  we just do.



Look For The Helpers

That is what Mr. Rogers said. He had a way of looking in the camera just at me. Then just at my own little boy. Then tonight my son reminded me when he shared story about the hero who stopped the London Bridge terrorists. My son said look for the helpers even the drunk ones. because the hero said he had had a few pints! It was a great news story. It touched me. Reminded me that heros are usually the small normal guy doing amazing thing when the time comes usually unaware of the big impact they d



Hello Again!

The last time I blogged it had been awhile. I said I would blog/write more, but that never happened.  Now that it seems my world is crashing, I am writing a blog.  Today marks the one year of my brother's death.  It is still hard to come to terms that he is gone.  To help cope with his loss, I sought out another therapist.  I had joined a meet up group after my second break up with my ex so life was going in the direction I wanted.  Then yesterday I get hit with my job duties being changed at wo



Battling my negative thougts

Today I had a great session with my life coach, yes they are a real thing, and we discussed certain events in my life that caused me stress and hardship in my life. Some of these events were started back in High school, a place where kids are notoriously evil, and they stuck with me from that time forward.  Silly I know, but it’s amazing when you are blindsided by kids like that.  Growing up, I lived in a small beach community with MAYBE less than 100 people who lived there year round, and mos



life is full of challenges, you solve one another shows up while giving you blissful moments in between

As I am growing older life comes up with its own challenges every day, yes you do get blissful, happy moments in between, but it does feel like you are battling fires at so many places. I do have great kido & husband, but still out of nowhere kido comes up with this excellent business idea & he thinks that will make him successful & richer than mark zukerburg(facebook prodigy).  he thinks why study so much & work so hard for his medical degree while he has this golden opportunity



Visual impairment has gone from frustrating to embarrassing too painful today

I've always tried to find the humor in things and I have said for over a year now that visual impairment is more embarrassing than frustrating however today while at the library working on the computer I printed off a document went to retrieve it and on my way back due to Mi left non visual field I walked right into a plaster column course my first thought was to look around and see if anybody saw me and there was a gentleman sitting at the computer and laughing so I packed up my belongings and



OMG such a fun memorial day weekend

as all of you know I enjoy company & love to crack jokes, I thrive when I am surrounded by friends. this past weekend hubby's college friend's son was getting married in NJ, so lot of hubby's other college friends were coming from all around world to wedding, we hosted lot of his friends at our home for wedding. & we had so much fun. I had made lot of food preparation in advance & kept it ready so that we could spend time together talking instead of cooking & cleaning. luckily al



The key to the future

Sometimes when I watch the news I know how well off I am, but sometimes I want more out of life than I currently have. I know compared to others I have many blessings but from time to time I still want more than I have. I have just read an article about lowering your expectations of life, from time to time I know we all have to do that.  I will be 70 on Sunday and I think those "O" Birthdays make you think about life, where you are now and where you want to be.  I am good at over analyzing life,



"Fire" poem by Tracy Miller

FIRE   Peering out from the darkness, the light grows stronger.   Reaching out to feel it's warmth.   My skin begins to glow.   First, my my arm like a golden diamond with a fire in it's belly.   The velvet light and warmth creeps further up my body until it envelopes all of me.   I feel weightless, like my body is lifted by the sun's arms.   Lifting my head, I drink in all of it's energy.   I can take a clear deep b



One Day at a Time

It's been a week and a half since I moved to my Dad's. For those not aware, my partner cheated on me and is now seeing a 24 year old employee. I had to go for my own sanity. This has been the hardest thing I have experienced since my stroke and is even harder than my divorce 11 years ago. I truly love Adrian but I do not know him anymore. I must be honest the first two days at my Dad's were awful and I spent my time crying and trying to figure out how to go back and everything be right. I even t



Memorial Day

I miss family who died who were WWII veterans and who served in Vietnam and just list a war and member of this clan was in the Navy branch at some time. That makes me proud but I never lost a son or daughter or lost someone diring a war so never had that unendurable pain. I hold this day as a day of recalling loss. all kinds to start over from. A beginning of Summer. Fresh Fun waiting to go start adventures. I was told vacations lower blood pressure and shopping is relaxing walking playing for t



Involuntary Tremor

I woke up with my hands moving unable to hold a cup of water. I was shaking. nurses saw me. I spill things but this was worse. I was scared. I was asking to go to hospital or see my doc here. I waited all day. My triage nurse at teaching hospital said go to ER. so people I asked them here to take me. they refused. so I waited 8 hours no o one came to see me. I called 911.   I had a C T scan. He eased my mind. no activity. And it has stopped now.Relieved. I color again playcards,ho



My Anniversary

This is year 3. I still walk with a 3 wheeler. My vision is still double enough  to annoy normal movement. Most important is I am still in pain.   Having said that though I have made a miraculous recovery from a Lacunar stroke. Usually these improve I was told. All that did was put pressure rather than help. One doctor held up my disability insisting I would fully recover.  But I have come far. I could not even sit up in bed and flopped over unaware I was crooked. I had doubl



Having Difficulty

I'm having a rough, emotional morning. A close friend of the family recently had a cardiac event that hospitalized him, and after having an MRI, it was determined that there was evidence of two old strokes.  I haven't spoken to him directly, he hasn't any paralysis, and have learned that he seems very confused, can't drive, and his brother couldn't understand him while talking with him on the phone.  Apparently he's seeing his PMD this Friday.   I realize that he and his wife are taki



Anniversaries Approaching

June used to be a happy month for me.   It was the real beginning of summer for us, which meant fishing and camping trips, family picnics and working out in the yard and enjoying the sunshine.   That all changed after Gary's stroke on June 1, 2004 and even more  since the loss of our youngest son, Dan on June 22nd of last year.    I no longer look forward to June in the same way I did years ago.   This year I want it to go by quickly and do not feel the need to celebrate anything - especially mi



Fruit salad or Irish stew?

Each week I do certain things, visit my old ladies, catch up with friends over coffee, do some housework, some gardening, maybe have some time reading in the sun. Officially I have days off from the church work Monday and Wednesday but that really is a fallacy. We are trying to set up a lunch group on Fridays to follow the Coffee Morning, a soup and a roll lunch for some of our church people but also people who come to us for welfare. So three Wednesdays in a row I have attended one of those mee



feel like I now understand all this spiritual people's talk

As you all are aware I enjoy spiritual reading & agree with bhagwad geeta, buddha, jesus philosophy. give myself pep-talk every time I feel like giving up on anything in life. my biggest one is, "choices I make today will create my destiny." & my choices every day is dependent on what brings  me satisfaction. & doing things right for my family does make me feel happy. If I get immediate thanks or appreciation it makes me feel good right away. but I have learn that some jobs like rais



I'm not depressed.. my brain said NOT TODAY

Some people would assume at times I share a lot of the traits as someone who is Bipolar for I tend to be riding on a roller coaster of emotions. I don’t have the extreme changes in my personality like deep lows that keep me in bed and I don’t want to assume I know those feelings but I know I’m not nor ever have been. My issues may appear like depression when in fact they are exhaustion. Mental exhaustion. On a regular-season basis I have days in which I wake up, meaning I open my eyes, around 7-

