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Entries in this blog

bad news

I'd just like to thank everyone for your comments and replies to my last entry and topic on the forum. Im so thankful you all are in my life! but I do have bad news. On Tuesday I fell down. I don't know how I fell. I checked to make sure my shoes were tied and they were, I tried stepping on my pants leg but it was not long enough to trip me. I really dont understand what exactly caused me to fall. Lately, I've been thinking I want to go to the neurologist just to make sure everything is ok. The



i love my internship//update on driving status

Well last Monday I started an internship with the Dispute Resolution Center. I work with Teen Court which gives juveniles a second chance if they committed their first offense. I have been working 4 days a week about 7 hours a day. Even though it is an unpaid internship, it is still very rewarding. The other day I visited jail with my supervisors and listened to grievances from the incarcerated. The next day we went to district court to ask the judge to drop charges for the juveniles who complet



I finished my freshmen year!

Hello everyone! I am doing much better than my last entry. Thank you all for your comments. I finished my freshmen year. Friday was my last day. I spent the week before last going to awards ceremonies. I got 4 awards and I was installed into the National Council of Negro Women! I was inducted into Phi Eta Sigma, the National Freshmen Honor Society, for maintaining a G.P.A of 3.0 or above, I received an outstanding service award for helping the Ceenter for Personal Development set up their wor




Today I found out Im gettin worse just when I thought it would get better feels like a curse More drugs equal less pain they say instead of getting better I remain the same day after day Hope is lost I can't find it anymore Its useless what do I need it for? they say I still can't drive among other things I CAN'T do just found out I have arthritis I don't feel 18 more like 82 Im losing my memory I guess gettin 1/4 of my brain removed wasen't enough oh I got part



Spring Break

Thanks everyone for all the nice comments. As some of you may have noticed, I did post a topic about my memory loss. I really wanted to make an appointment with my neuro but I have been so busy! I had 7 midterms last week. I barely got 15 hours of sleep the whole week! I spent last weekend catching up on sleep (a good 13 hours!) Monday I had to get my wisdom teeth removed so in between naps I was busy spitting out blood for 2 days. Then finally when everything clotted up, I had to go volunteer f



There's Still Hope!

Hello everyone! I just got some bittersweet news. My dad called saying i got a letter in the mail from the medical review board at the department of motor vehicles. Bad news is they didnt say I could drive. Good news is, they couldn't make a decision because they don't have enough information. I am no longer permanently denied! I have to get a visual eye test form filled out by my eye doctor and send it back. I am sure he will help me out on this because he has been willing to support me on dr



no title

Hello everyone, I have been meaning to update my blog but everytime I think about it, I end up doing something else. Well, here is my update. I did start boox last week. It was a lot of pain but I didnt even flinch. I think Im immune to pain. Well I guess it worked but I cant really tell since I've already seen changes from the baclofen. I have to go get more next month and I am supposed to be going back to OT. Lately, I have been feeling so discouraged. Does anyone ever get in that mood where



No news means good news :)

Hello everyone, I really have been checking the boards more and reading the newsletters (which I enjoy very much by the way), I am just now finding time to actually sit and type a full blog entry! Well I guess I should start by saying I made the Chancellor's list with a perfect 4.0 for the completion of my first semester of college! :cheer: I am so ready to finish up my freshmen year but I will be taking a whopping 17 credits so I know it will be a challenge. I hope everyones' holidays were



driving part 2..botox

Well in reference to my last blog... I called the medical review board at Raleigh to schedule a hearing because I never heard back from them after the neurologist filled out my medical evaluation. It just so happens that the board couldn't even make a decision because the neurologist forgot to send the last page of the evaluation which includes his signature. Atfirst I was happy because I thought yay this means I wasen't denied again. but then i came back to reality and remembered well I also wa



So little time

Hello everyone, I am so sorry I have not updated recently. So much has been going on. I have a 2:00 class so this will be brief but I just wanted to let you all know I am still alive and doing well! I was not in the parade but I WAS on tv I also started receiving the ssdi so I went on a major shopping spree. I have been doing well in all of my classes except philosophy so this week and next week I will be doing extra credit and studying for finals. I have been doing a lot around campus. I am



no more comments? :(

Hi everyone. I only got 4 comments on my last entry so I guess nobody loves me anymore . Well for the few of you who are interested in what goes on in my life, I have decided to give u an update... Midterms were great. I made As in all 6 of my classes. Fall break, however wasen't so great. Sitting at home with nothing to do for 2 days reminded me of how depressed I was in high school and made me realize how greatful I am that I am in college away from that hell hole (my room) and I have so man



No more ot...

Well my occupational therapy is done. My insurance only allowed me a month to go to ot and because of my classes schedule, I could only go twice a week without missing class so, its over. While there, I got the brace for my hand, the splint for my wrist, and my therapist taped my fingers and shoulder for a couple of ays. I learned how to put my hand in my pocket and brush my teeth without having to place the toothbrush on the counter. I kind of didnt like the ot though. Every Tuesday and Thursda



im a social butterfly!

Wow its 12:30am and I still have work to do and a math test to study for so this entry will be short. I just wanted to say, first, I had another fall last week. I was trying to roll my roller bookbag out the door and the door closed pushing me into the hall way. I got up quick though. I was not hurt. But ever since, I have been carrying my loads of books on my back because rolling the bookbag seems more challenging believe it or not. Other than that, I have been good. I started occupational ther



the bright side

Hello everyone, things have been better. Right now I do believe my gpa is still at a 4.0 so classes are really easy. I am getting better at walking even though I did get a bad bubble blister on my toe and i have a red spot on the side of my foot where my brace irritates it but after walking for so long i start to forget about the pain now. I have good news I am an aunt again. My oldest brother has a son now he was born on Wednesday. It made me feel good when my mom put the baby in my left arm be



more of the college life

I should start by saying, the day after my last entry, I had a big fall outside. That was my break down day. What happend was everyone was seperated into groups with orientation leaders. After one of our workshops, I had to stay and talk with one of the administrators in charge of services for studens with disabilities. While I was talking to him, my group went on to the next workshop so when I went outside I could not find them. While walking on the uneven brick road with my shoe laces untied a



College life so far

I will most likely add another entry later this week since classes don't start until Wednesday. Today was my 3rd day here. My move in was a success. My roommate has cerebral palsy so she walks with a limp so yaay I am not alone! and we get along pretty good. Satuday night we had a dance but I had no fun I just went to keep from being in my room. Sunday there was anoher event but once again I found it kind of boring and tonight yet another boring even kind of like a parade. Being that I am at a



I love you all

Sometimes I feel like I am the only person in this world who had a stroke then I have to remind myself of the friendly family I have here at strokeboard. You guys are the only people who can really understand me and I am so thankful that I found this site. I apologize for my hiatus. I just haven't known where to begin with this blog. Some days are bad and some days are good and usually when I start to write about a bad day I tend to make it sound worse than it really was or when I write about a




i don't know where to begin. I cant stop crying. My left wrist won't stop hurting and Im tired of being this way! I couldn't even get my teeth fixed at the dentist because of the way I am. I cant do anything I want to do! Each year I think I will be back to normal after a new birhjday and surprise everyone when I go back to school but each year Im still gere doing the same things I was doing 5 years ago! I just dont understand! I mean Im happy to say I survived a stroke but why cant I be back to



new pictures

Hello everyone. First I just want to thank everyone who left me cpmments, advice, and support. I really do appreciate it. I added new pictures in my album and tried to attach it to this entry because it is kind of hard to find. I was dressed up because I had just left church. Anyway I have been doing good. I've been getting out of the house a lot more and going out having fun. This weekend I plan to go to a concert and a friend of mine from high school s having a birthday party at laser tag. The




I apologize for not being active like I said I would. I just finished the 3 page summary on the 25 page article I had to do for my honors freshmen seminar class. It has really taken up a lot of my time. Sometimes I want to update because I am extremely happy and sometimes I just want to vent because I am so upset. My moods fluctuate so much I dont see the point in updating everytime something happens. Anyway my summer has been all work and very little fun. I kind of figured turning 18 wouldnt be



a dose of the college life

I just got back from college today. Unfortunately, I can not say I had fun. We toured the museum of history and museum of natural sciences and then we toured the legislative building in Raleigh. It was so much walking and it was so hot. Later that night we had to go on a scavenger hunt in groups of 5. I was made captain of my team. I guess I was supposed to have fun but I did not. My legs were hurting so bad and the heat was giving me a headache. Instead of mingling with everyone else and partic



good news and bad news

First Thanks again to everyone and I say you'e wlcomed to dstraugh. So I guess I will give the bad news first. Ok the bad news is I did NOT get my permit today. The good news is, I passed the test and I only missed one question. Now I will either wait until my doctor fills out more medical forms and sends them to Raleigh or just go to the board in Raleigh myself and let them evaluate me. I am not sad at all. I studied hard and I passed my test so I have done all I can do. Now I will just wait fo



a better day (picture of me)

thank you all for your support It really does help to know someone cares how I feel. Most of the time I am just venting because I have no real friends to talk to accept all of the stuffed animals i have in my room from being in the hospital so much. Today was finally a better day. My mom and I got into it again but I find it easier to ignore her until her medicine kicks in than to argue. Lastnight I went to the movies with my cousin and her boyfriend and tonight we went to the mall. It felt so g



Everybody hates me

I hate myself. What is wrong with me. Yesterday my brother got mad at me over something stupid so he unhooked the router and I could not get online. I was so upset. The internet is my release therapy, Without my laptop I would be depressed all of the time because I would just lay around thinking of all the many things I could be doing if I didn't have the stupid stroke. So my dad got mad at me for arguing with my brother and I guess I ruined Father's Day so I just cried all day with my face in m

